Blue Skies, Nothing but Blue Skies…

So yesterday and today the sky has been totally blue, with not a cloud to be seen.  It might have been that way on Sunday as well, but I was working on an assignment and didn’t venture outside.  So looking at our solar power generated: Sunday and yesterday (Monday) produced 11.10 kWh both days, however some of this excess power produced was most likely offset by the fact that we had to have fans on for much of the evening/night to cool ourselves and the house.

Over the past 4 days we’ve generated over 40 kWh:


21/07/2012 7.483
22/07/2012 11.115
23/07/2012 11.096
24/07/2012 10.551

As you can see, the 21st (Saturday) was a bit up and down due to cloud cover, but the 22nd-24th were mostly perfect with few if any clouds disrupting the rays as they reach our roof.

A somewhat disappointing (and wet) April

As well as being very wet, April was also disappointing in the fact that the power generation trend started lower than it ended in March, and then went downwards at a time that I’d expect it to be going up.


Still, there were a number of high generation days, which is promising for the summer, and despite the disappointment in the trend, the total kWh generated in April was 148.5 making it the 3rd best month so far.

What a March!

Well, March proved to be almost like summer at times, and as a result the figures for last month are some really great ones for the time of year.  In fact, the highest value – 8.874 kWh (on the 26th) was the second highest amount we’ve generated in a day since we started (9.034 on 1/9/12 being the first), and in fact the two days following (27th and 28th March) are the third and fourth highest since we started generating.  With five days above 8 kWh and just over 154.5 kWh generated, March was only 1 kWh less than the previous highest month of September 2011.


I just realised I never posted the full graph for February, so I’ve posted that below – In February we generated 60 kWh, so that shows the real step up in March: