Week 4 and The End of the First Month

So we’ve had our solar panels for a month now, and yesterday (the 18th) we reached 150KWh generated.

Looking at the cumulative power generation over the month, I was surprised that the line is straighter than I expected – although you can see some of the plateaus.


More interesting is the polar view graph, showing the higher generating days quite clearly, and the sudden drops inward on the less good days:

Finally is the more traditional bar graph of the last month:

FIT Paperwork

Today we got the email from our energy supplier, after having sent off the original paperwork last week.  It said:

“We are pleased to inform you that your Feed in Tariff (FIT) application has been received.
The registration of your installation will take approximately 6-8 weeks to process. If there are any documents missing that prevent us from continuing with the registration, the application pack will be returned to you with a full explanation of any additional information that is required.
Once your application has been fully processed, your FIT contract will be sent out for you to sign and return.”


I hadn’t realised it would take so long to get the paperwork sorted, and I’m not sure if they will pay for the power generated and/or returned to the grid from the very beginning or not.  I’ll advise on this blog once I know.

Day 23 / End of week 3

I’m going to update weekly from now on, unless there is something blog-worthy before that, and I’ll probably do a bar graph of the weeks values rather than a line graph for each day.  That said, today’s graph is below:

Looking back at this week (Sunday – Saturday), here’s a daily comparison:

Power generated today: 4.204KW

Power generated so far: 106.85KW

Day 17

Today was dull and drizzly and around midday the power generation dropped to 18 watts at one point just after it had really started to rain.  It did improve in the afternoon and was somewhat sunny:

I’ve sorted out the image resizing, so the above graph shouldn’t now be distorted like they were previously.  I’ll sort out the older posts when I have time.


Power generated today: 4.520KW

Power generated so far: 83.558KW