Looking back on the past year, I’ve been really pleased that I bought solar panels and that I did so when I did.
Given the issues on the first day after installation, that means that really it is a year today rather than yesterday.
So, how much have we generated in a year? The answer: 1463.4 kWh, which is just over the prediction of 1460 kWh. In that time we’ve also used approximately 1700 kWh from the grid (exact figure to follow), but that means that we cover a significant percentage (although less than 50%) of our electricity usage from solar power. As well as the solar power reducing our bills, we have also generally reduced our electricity usage by about 600 kWh compared to the year before we had the panels installed. With recent changes in appliances, it is likely that we have reduced usage still further.
The year to date (note that both Augusts are not full months):